Global Child Care Services Fundraises for New Desks for Children in Kenya
NewsJanuary 2016
Global’s partnership with the Elimu Foundation in support of Upendo Early Childhood Education Centre in Kenya continues to bear fruit, well beyond the construction of the school itself. Elimu founder Nina Chung recently posted this message on their Facebook page:
“In December, we were blessed with 10 new student desks for Upendo Early Childhood Education Centre. The funds for the desks were provided by Global Child Care Services in Canada. During the building project, they were responsible for over 65% of the funds raised and afterwards also assisted with the costs for management training for the new school management committee. The desks were delivered in December (during the school holidays) and are the standard style for schools in …Kenya — with a seat, a shelf for books and a writing area. Each desk seats 2 to 3 students comfortably. The timing of the gift couldn’t be better. Upendo has just started offering Grade 3 this year. The school community once again got together to extend the roofing of the building in order to create a temporary classroom. As funds continue to come in, the temporary structure can easily be completed to provide for another full classroom. The new desks have filled the Grade 3 temporary class and the students started using them this week. We at Elimu are extremely grateful for the gift of the desks and we are also proud of the Sabaki community for managing the expansion of their school. All in all a great start to the new school year of 2016!”